Use Cases >

OPP BTP massively raises awareness about safety issues

A need to renew its awareness-raising offer
As an awareness-raising and prevention organisation in the construction sector, OPP BTP aimed to improve the impact of its awareness-raising actions by: 1) Engaging a network of learners across France, 2) Promoting good safety habits, and 3) Keeping students informed and up to date on their actions.
They have implemented SPARTED's mobile learning
Step 1
Content preparation
OPP BTP has transferred its training offers into microlearning contents centred around the prevention of risks in the profession, with topics such as: working at heights, electrical risks, carrying heavy loads and road risks.
Step 2
Solution deployment
Thanks to a massive communication campaign, the support of schools and extremely attractive gifts, OPP BTP was able to engage more than 17,000 students in just two months with its "100 minutes for life" mobile learning challenge.
Step 3
Progress monitoring
OPP BTP has been able to measure the progress of learners and the evolution of their mastery of advanced content from the Analytics. The reports offered by SPARTED have also enabled the creation of rankings by school or the biggest Battleship pitchers.
The results they achieved
apprentices and students trained via the mobile learning solution
of active participation on the application
battles played in less than two months

What they throught about it

"The fact of going remote broke down barriers, in particular the possibility of adding establishments as the adventure unfolded. (...) The same goes for the participants: whereas initially in face-to-face mode we focused on first-year students, the remote solution enabled us to address the entire learning public."
Gérald Leroy
Project Manager for Initial Training

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